Sunday, July 16, 2006

What Is Sorority Initiation?

still fits a chest of drawers in the bedroom? Closed

Since yesterday we ordered our Zurbrüggen's wardrobe for master bedroom, came to the question, whether there still fits a chest of drawers in the room. So today we took again the yardstick in one direction and the green Farbsprühflasche other in the hand. Having the bed, night tables, wardrobe, and cooling the heating on the ground sprayed, we knew the answer: No! :-(

failed the inspection we then also suddenly that even outlets are missing (I could swear that there but cables were laid!) And that I forgot the cable outlets in the living room for the wall. After the long discussions about the outlets and light switches from Monday I had the most displaced ...

received on Sunday evening, our electrician to have a text message with the hopeful question whether he would be well Monday in the area.


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