Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tommy Hilfiger Louisville Ky Store

forced break

Heute war die Putzerkolonne wieder da, aber nur, um sämtliche Maschinen und Werkzeuge wieder abzuholen. Laut Aussage des Site manager can take months before the power supply to be repaired on Monday and then it works again!

Reminder: Wednesday is the floor! As the plaster and the stone floor the same firm, should that be no problem!

is this topic said that we are glad that we have assigned the power supply as a lump sum to Viebrock. Normally, the purchase of a self-service site power (I had at least understood so). The offer of Viebrock to ensure a reasonable package price of supply and include the required Baustromverbrauch, we have gratefully accepted.

What would happen if the safeguarding of site electricity would be our responsibility?

If yes then no matter. Viebrock has to look after and take care of it. The schedule is (as of today) are not endangered and we can sit back.


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