Monday, July 24, 2006

How Do You Get Shiny Ho Ho

It goes back further

So, where were we got to? Ah yes, the plastering. ... Continues! The machine is rebuilt and the walls are plastered with mud again, bombed or better! On the one hand, I can not imagine how to do this work (in this short time) without making mud, on the other hand, it looks to us like on a battlefield. All over the land mines are distributed and bonding must be careful even exactly where to decease. ... and only the window! Not even the thin film not much.

DC Monday morning, I also had the appointment with the kitchen measuring Zurbrüggen. I already had to buck up a little, as the Lord herlief with fine brown leather shoes, trousers and ties between the cleaners to take measurements. I had already warned him and wanted to postpone the deadline, but no, he insisted on Monday. Every time his measuring rod touched the wall, it left an imprint in the buttery soft wall ;-) Anyway, hats off, he measured everything and has clean again leave the house. I could now bekringeln still laughing!

Er war voller Lobes, dass sich der Bauträger sehr ordentlich und exakt an die Küchenpläne gehalten hat. Die Raum- und Fenstermaße waren sehr genau und alle Anschlüsse und Dosen waren "perfekt".


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