Monday, July 17, 2006

House Hold Condom Lube

is grouted and plastered!

Monday Tomorrow my cell phone rang and our electrician called from Dresden. So my hope was gone, he just might look a look. I was informed that this would be totally OK with the sockets. He did not want to wait for the drywall, then on this point, no plates were laid. The holes for two missing double doses, he would drill when the screed is laid. (OK, stands to this. Why should he wait when you can so later still.) Only to the three missing wall outlets he could not help me.

It was my own fault. I've got it so completely forgotten :-( From all sides I got the Tip, die Wand mit Hammer und Meißel aufzustemmen und die Schlitze selbst zu verlegen. Wozu der Fachmann ca. 5 Minuten braucht, würde ich stundenlang hämmern ...

Bei meiner Visite geben 11:30Uhr war ca. das halbe Haus fertig verfugt und die Kollegen prahlten: "Hätten wir heute morgen nicht noch auf jemanden warten müssen, wären wir ja schon längst fertig !" - Naja, die Jungs sind schon schnell, aber sie haben auch eine große Klappe !

Unser Maler, der auch mal wieder da war, fragte schon ganz geschockt, wie lange das Gerüst noch Stände. Das Tempo der Verfuger würde ihm Angst machen und er befürchtetet, that the premature dismantling the scaffold. (Should it have everything already given Falko eh?)

The house could hardly breathe, as the cleaners made quite a mess and dust. This probably belongs to ... In the foyer was the big machine and we almost blocked the passage. (Only fast - we are so slim!) In the living room, we learned that the very places where my wall lights were missing until tomorrow to be made.

After the visit I went then to the hardware store and got hammer, chisel, cable, pipe and special nails to fix. After we went back to building: Yes, I'm hammered. Yes, it took about 2 hours and the three 1.5 m were laid. Yes, now I have a bubble in the hands of many hammers.


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