Monday, July 31, 2006

How Do You Make Home Made Boxing Gloves?


Today, the screed should be finished. On the upper floor you can already walk around and inspect the work. It is striking that the ceiling is coming closer. At first I wondered what the rooms are, but that can thus deceive, without screed ;-)

Otherwise, I can tell from the house is not much, since we only up to the front door came. Then it said "DO NOT ENTER!

But it was exciting to find the house Sun As described in several building diaries, we now also have a small garden pond with running water. In addition, the sinister machine is the borehole. Two days are scheduled to make two bore holes, 60m. The first three tubes, I have watched. Then it went on only at a snail's pace. Our soil seems well to be very, very hard.

evening they had managed 40 yards and left an ugly, muddy moonscape.

At about about 18:30 clock was suddenly moving in the house. The tilers have done your stuff into the house and have lost the first plates in the bathroom. Since the ground is not allowed to enter, we had to balance on a balance beam to the first step. I do not think the guys have even made the evening very much, but at least they have a late hour schonmal everything ready for the next day.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Is Donna Lacroix Married

pipes on the floor and it is dirty again!

As if the cleaners have not already made enough mess. Now is also the floor! It was a great Air in the house. The craftsmen were soaking wet with sweat. No wonder, with the weather and the whole floor mud on the floor.

On Friday, all edges in the ground floor and basement and covered the insulation (foil and styrofoam plates) installed. Evening was the floor finished and a large basement room was filled.

Furthermore, we have now made up our construction manager appointment because it has put us on Wednesday. "Disagreements with the scheduling. They mentioned a few things, but here are not worth mentioning. A couple of stupid questions were answered by us and by and large it is currently relatively good. I'm curious if the arrangement works with the public utilities for the house connections, and with the earthworks for the water supply (rain gutters, tank etc). Our construction manager (agent) has repeatedly promised to take care of it ...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Which One Is Better?

install heating and shower / tub

On Wednesday and Thursday were the heating elements and structure of the shower and bath on the program. You remember a little, that we are about 1-2 days late, but we already get in again.

cross through the whole house now go forward and backward runs. Neat isolated and sorted by each other. I have many pictures on security made so that we know later, what's what. You never know where we might want to drill in the ground again:-D

sees the construction of cooling heating of very complex with a total of five pipes and a power supply. After all the hot days in the last few weeks, we are already into the animal on it. Just a pity that we will probably use until next summer right. was

Great excitement then have the same morning as the radiator in the kitchen too big and mounted in the wrong place was. In principle, this would have been true, but we've got our own ideas! The boys looked not very happy at the fact but to have two phone calls and our defenses, we have found a compromise. It must be said now of course to a go "only" the bare heater to the wall without the pipes on the floor! Now they take the big / thick radiators again, lay the pipes equal to the new and correct location and colleagues then fit a thinner and wider at the "fine montage". We did not want to be walked at the first step into the kitchen just opposite a radiator. Now he is under the hatch and is well hidden.

In the basement is Meanwhile, the air conditioning on the wall and you just have the soil sensor and heating pipes are connected.

PS: The images from the bathroom to speak for themselves:

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wall Peper Xp Darklite 2010

The cleaning crew is finished!

After 4 days ( without interruption), all the walls, overhangs, hatches etc plastered and it has even been cleaned up and back. The windows and window frames have been somewhat cleaned up and the window sills look somewhat OK aus. Ach, das hatte ich ja fast vergessen. Natürlich wurden auch die Fensterbänke montiert. Sieht richtig gut aus (wenn man sich den übrigen Dreck wegdenkt) ! Eine Fensterbank im HWR lehnt noch an der Wand. Was immer das auch zu bedeuten hat.

Demnächst steht die Eigenleistung "Fenster putzen" auf dem Plan. Wir wollten uns eigentlich weigern, die alle zu Putzen, so dreckig, wie die sind. Aber beim Putzen kann man ja auch am Besten erkennen, ob alles heile geblieben ist. Ich bin da zwar guter Hoffnung, aber Kontrolle ist besser. Also rücken wir doch mit dem eigenen Putzkommando an !

Des weiteren gibt es to report that our satellite dish was installed. The electrician was pretty much at the swearing, since there in the top ground temperatures as in the Turkish sauna ... He also was very surprised that our electrician Viebrock the satellite cable is labeled 1-2-3-4. The setting and even I know that the one marked with horizontal, vertical etc. Strange strange ... But now it fits and we need only electricity in the house to finally watch TV.

were the evening even as the installers to deliver their material. This includes the bath and shower. Then it can indeed quickly get to work Wednesday morning. I know still do not like the want to create, because this week is to come to the floor. Schau'n wa times!

Monday, July 24, 2006

How Do You Get Shiny Ho Ho

It goes back further

So, where were we got to? Ah yes, the plastering. ... Continues! The machine is rebuilt and the walls are plastered with mud again, bombed or better! On the one hand, I can not imagine how to do this work (in this short time) without making mud, on the other hand, it looks to us like on a battlefield. All over the land mines are distributed and bonding must be careful even exactly where to decease. ... and only the window! Not even the thin film not much.

DC Monday morning, I also had the appointment with the kitchen measuring Zurbrüggen. I already had to buck up a little, as the Lord herlief with fine brown leather shoes, trousers and ties between the cleaners to take measurements. I had already warned him and wanted to postpone the deadline, but no, he insisted on Monday. Every time his measuring rod touched the wall, it left an imprint in the buttery soft wall ;-) Anyway, hats off, he measured everything and has clean again leave the house. I could now bekringeln still laughing!

Er war voller Lobes, dass sich der Bauträger sehr ordentlich und exakt an die Küchenpläne gehalten hat. Die Raum- und Fenstermaße waren sehr genau und alle Anschlüsse und Dosen waren "perfekt".

Friday, July 21, 2006

How To Do Special In Prelude To Tokugawa


Donnerstag und Freitag tat sich leider nichts im Haus. Das Stromproblem wurde zwar gelöst, aber trotzdem konnte die Kolonne erst wieder nächsten Montag anfangen.

Im Haus selbst spürt man eine extrem hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit. Zum Einen durch das sehr schwüle Wetter und zum Anderen durch die nassen, frisch verputzen Wände. (Einen Teil hatten sie ja schliesslich schon geschafft !) An den Kellerwänden hat sich ein nasser Film entwickelt. Es sieht so aus, als ob auch die Keller(aussen)wände bei diesem Wetter schwitzen würden.

Das einzige Großereignis haben wir dann am Wochenende entdeckt. Endlich kann auch unser Haus auf eigenen Mauersteinen stehen und muss nicht mehr gestützt werden : Das Gerüst ist weg !

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tommy Hilfiger Louisville Ky Store

forced break

Heute war die Putzerkolonne wieder da, aber nur, um sämtliche Maschinen und Werkzeuge wieder abzuholen. Laut Aussage des Site manager can take months before the power supply to be repaired on Monday and then it works again!

Reminder: Wednesday is the floor! As the plaster and the stone floor the same firm, should that be no problem!

is this topic said that we are glad that we have assigned the power supply as a lump sum to Viebrock. Normally, the purchase of a self-service site power (I had at least understood so). The offer of Viebrock to ensure a reasonable package price of supply and include the required Baustromverbrauch, we have gratefully accepted.

What would happen if the safeguarding of site electricity would be our responsibility?

If yes then no matter. Viebrock has to look after and take care of it. The schedule is (as of today) are not endangered and we can sit back.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cow Palace Bankruptcy Liquidation

construction manager appointment

It's time again for a construction manager-date. This time they came back for two, but both from the developer Bethel. Unfortunately, even the temporary replacement.

should really busy in the house are plastered - Nope! It was deserted! After a short search, we learned that again does not work the site electricity. The error was not yet found and thus they have left again.

to the defect list:
the first time I was really pissed. We had now been a few problems in the past but all have been discussed and resolved satisfactorily. When we discuss with the supervisor deficiencies and tell me two or three experts Viebrock and Bethel, that must be improved in places, I also expect that this is done.

The clinker bricks, the polishing probably not forgotten and made only a part. Even if the bodies were really not all that bad, does for me here are the principles of rule. Finally, the developers first noticed the bodies, insisting that it is done.

On the lintel of HWR I've also said three experts, which would have cracked the joints "compacted" to be before the cleaner comes. Now it is, the cleaner will incorporate a special cloth that would be enough. I assume though, that the procedure using the tissue is totally OK, too, but I do not like it, if agreements are changed without comment. You notice already, I'm riding principles ...

result: The polishing may antanzen again and again the already grouted brick repair. The lintel is "a tissue" with and the regular supervisor is after the holidays again taken to task.

On the other hand there are also extra dates this common construction manager to check that all deficiencies are corrected.

Finally, there are 5 year warranty on the house!

Monday, July 17, 2006

House Hold Condom Lube

is grouted and plastered!

Monday Tomorrow my cell phone rang and our electrician called from Dresden. So my hope was gone, he just might look a look. I was informed that this would be totally OK with the sockets. He did not want to wait for the drywall, then on this point, no plates were laid. The holes for two missing double doses, he would drill when the screed is laid. (OK, stands to this. Why should he wait when you can so later still.) Only to the three missing wall outlets he could not help me.

It was my own fault. I've got it so completely forgotten :-( From all sides I got the Tip, die Wand mit Hammer und Meißel aufzustemmen und die Schlitze selbst zu verlegen. Wozu der Fachmann ca. 5 Minuten braucht, würde ich stundenlang hämmern ...

Bei meiner Visite geben 11:30Uhr war ca. das halbe Haus fertig verfugt und die Kollegen prahlten: "Hätten wir heute morgen nicht noch auf jemanden warten müssen, wären wir ja schon längst fertig !" - Naja, die Jungs sind schon schnell, aber sie haben auch eine große Klappe !

Unser Maler, der auch mal wieder da war, fragte schon ganz geschockt, wie lange das Gerüst noch Stände. Das Tempo der Verfuger würde ihm Angst machen und er befürchtetet, that the premature dismantling the scaffold. (Should it have everything already given Falko eh?)

The house could hardly breathe, as the cleaners made quite a mess and dust. This probably belongs to ... In the foyer was the big machine and we almost blocked the passage. (Only fast - we are so slim!) In the living room, we learned that the very places where my wall lights were missing until tomorrow to be made.

After the visit I went then to the hardware store and got hammer, chisel, cable, pipe and special nails to fix. After we went back to building: Yes, I'm hammered. Yes, it took about 2 hours and the three 1.5 m were laid. Yes, now I have a bubble in the hands of many hammers.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

What Is Sorority Initiation?

still fits a chest of drawers in the bedroom? Closed

Since yesterday we ordered our Zurbrüggen's wardrobe for master bedroom, came to the question, whether there still fits a chest of drawers in the room. So today we took again the yardstick in one direction and the green Farbsprühflasche other in the hand. Having the bed, night tables, wardrobe, and cooling the heating on the ground sprayed, we knew the answer: No! :-(

failed the inspection we then also suddenly that even outlets are missing (I could swear that there but cables were laid!) And that I forgot the cable outlets in the living room for the wall. After the long discussions about the outlets and light switches from Monday I had the most displaced ...

received on Sunday evening, our electrician to have a text message with the hopeful question whether he would be well Monday in the area.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Poptropica Hack To Get Credits

Heute war im Prinzip Ruhetag. Nur der Maler, der das Gesimse und die Dachüberstände bearbeitet, pinselte sich bei bestem Wetter einen Wolf. Er hat uns dann auch verraten, dass der Polier wohl da war, um Stellen im Klinker auszutauschen.

Wir fanden zwar die Stellen wieder, wo ausgetauscht wurde, aber zwei weitere Stellen blieben unberührt. Da ja bereits am Montag verfugt werden soll, waren wir verwundert. Warum macht er nicht gleich alle Steine fertig ? Kommt er nochmal wieder ?