Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Taizé prayer in Denklingen & peace prayer in Hückeswagen 19:02:11

Für den Weltfrieden beten
VON HEIKE KARSTEN - zuletzt aktualisiert: 21.02.2011
Hückeswagen (RP) Das Friedensgebet in Voßhagen hat Tradition. Am Samstag versammelten sich die Besucher wieder zu einer gemeinsamen Andacht. Pfarrer Norbert Fink griff dabei aktuelle Themen auf, die zum Nachdenken anregten.

Eine Kerze für den Frieden: In Voßhagen trafen sich Jugendliche und Erwachsene zum gemeinsamen Gebet. Im Mittelpunkt der Predigt von Pfarrer Norbert Fink stand der innere Frieden. In einem Gästebuch durften die Besucher ihre Gedanken niederschreiben. bm-foto: hans dörner

Nicht nur die vielen Teelichter brachten etwas Wärme in die kleine Friedenskapelle in Voßhagen. Auch das gemeinsame Gebet, zu dem sich am Samstagnachmittag Jugendliche und Erwachsene zusammengefunden hatten, trug dazu bei. Pfarrer Norbert Fink gestaltete erstmals das Friedensgebet für die Jugend in der idyllisch gelegenen Kapelle am Waldrand. Seit 2007 ist er Kreisjugendpfleger im Oberbergischen Circuit and also the young Catholics Hückeswagener known. Large power

"Even the prayer and fewer people have a big effect," the minister said, referring to the small round Christians. "Young people have a great force to push for peace." He said that the peaceful revolution in Tunisia, which began in young people. About the current turmoil in the world are also the students Alina In most Höfer (15) and Marie Berger (16) Wipperfürth informed. "You do not know about it only from the news, but also in school," said the young Christians. Belong to world peace but in any case, the inner peace. This was also the focus the sermon: "discord begins in the closest vicinity - by disagreement within the family, bullying at school or work, and still radiate children in war zones and crisis areas, which often suffer hunger and want, often a great zest for life because they.. have the inner peace - a great gift of God, "said Fink.

Their faith led Korczak Thomas (17) and Florian Loh (18), the peace prayer meeting. "Here you come inside to rest and think much more like," said Thomas Korczak. "Peace is ..." Fink wrote in the instructions booklet guestbook. Set was supplemented by visitors to the "inside to be free", "if you look at the hands of enough" and "justice." The young people who had come to the chapel belong to the youth group will travel in August for World Youth Day in Madrid. The mental preparation for the trip began earlier this year. Regular meetings and joint prayers follow up to the trip, in which young people are accompanied by the district youth worker.
Buddies is committed
Bernhard and Maria Guski by the Friends of Peace Chapel in Voßhagen were pleased with the interest of young people and the visit of the minister of Gummersbach. "The Friends of courting for over 20 years to the youth," said Bernhard Guski, pointing out that the enormous commitment of the association. The prayer for peace in Voßhagen has for years Tradition. In most cases, there are about 40 people in order to pray together for peace.


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