Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Okay I Want A Brazilian Without Waxing

Here again short message from Morocco: We were at the weekend in Marrakech and have my project looked at. The city has really manage their reputation, it is totally awesome, like tourism and yet totally beautiful oriental it is.

The main square, the Djeema el Fna is nuts, because there are snake charmers, Freak shows, orange juice stands (30 cents fürn glass of fresh Osaft: D), food stalls where one of complete goat and sheep heads of snails, soups, shrimp up to couscous and tagine can eat anything, people with monkeys on leashes, water sellers, want to sell the photos with them constantly and everything else. Of course there are many tourists, but many Moroccans who listen to the storytellers or the future can be read from the source. The course is situated in the Medina (old town) and close it directly riesiege souk (market area) to. Which are also the coolest I've seen so far.

I'm looking real that I'm here, I think, because you can almost Marokko pur erleben und außerdem hatte ich den Eindruck, dass die Leute viel netter sind als im Rest des Landes. Ich habe z.B. schon nach nur 2 Tagen 3 Telefonnummern von Leuten, die mir bei der Wohnungssuche helfen wollen und von denen ich wirklich den Eindruck hab, dass sie nett sind und mich nicht in irgendeiner Weise ausnutzen wollen. Der eine z.B. hat mich auf meine geile Ledertasche aus Rabat angesprochen, weil er selber Taschen macht. Er hat dann ein Foto gemacht, mir die Qualität der Tasche bestätigt und gesagt, dass er auch so eine machen wird. Zum Dank hat er uns noch erklärt, wie man handgemachte Ledersachen von Maschinengenähten unterscheidet und mir eben auch seine Kontaktdaten gegeben. Sowas passiert einem hier einfach mal, und das ist not really rare. You will be here often responded to, and slowly develops in me a sense of who and who wants coal just talk. If you look at as a bit used to it, makes it really fun ...

I then also in my project "worked", that was about 14 hours at which bit and I played with the children and watched the ins bedtime. It is an orphanage for street children for whom, when they're there, "solutions" are sought, these are their real families, host families or the elderly, a training course or a job, so she's home actually left after half a year should be able to. The kids are mostly 5-16, and most were there because not break. The 6 but I've met were really cool, quite small and everyone wanted to go all the time on my hands! That was really excellent and they accepted me quickly, I think.
The staff there that I've met are pretty nice, only one I can not yet assess Sun But time will tell, I am very confident that this will be da ne really great time.

I have already made a couple of hours really fun and I guess that goes on. I also know that arrive simultaneously with me 2 or 3 French intern, that I will work also 9 months together. I find quite cool.
By I've spent the second night in Marrakech in my project, I unfortunately missed the opportunity in a very nice, cheap backpackers hotel with the others on the rooftop to sleep. But it was worth it!

so, this would again, I'm glad the way, always on news from home and wish you happy holidays, work, internships, or whatever it just does!



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