Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Okay I Want A Brazilian Without Waxing

Here again short message from Morocco: We were at the weekend in Marrakech and have my project looked at. The city has really manage their reputation, it is totally awesome, like tourism and yet totally beautiful oriental it is.

The main square, the Djeema el Fna is nuts, because there are snake charmers, Freak shows, orange juice stands (30 cents fürn glass of fresh Osaft: D), food stalls where one of complete goat and sheep heads of snails, soups, shrimp up to couscous and tagine can eat anything, people with monkeys on leashes, water sellers, want to sell the photos with them constantly and everything else. Of course there are many tourists, but many Moroccans who listen to the storytellers or the future can be read from the source. The course is situated in the Medina (old town) and close it directly riesiege souk (market area) to. Which are also the coolest I've seen so far.

I'm looking real that I'm here, I think, because you can almost Marokko pur erleben und außerdem hatte ich den Eindruck, dass die Leute viel netter sind als im Rest des Landes. Ich habe z.B. schon nach nur 2 Tagen 3 Telefonnummern von Leuten, die mir bei der Wohnungssuche helfen wollen und von denen ich wirklich den Eindruck hab, dass sie nett sind und mich nicht in irgendeiner Weise ausnutzen wollen. Der eine z.B. hat mich auf meine geile Ledertasche aus Rabat angesprochen, weil er selber Taschen macht. Er hat dann ein Foto gemacht, mir die Qualität der Tasche bestätigt und gesagt, dass er auch so eine machen wird. Zum Dank hat er uns noch erklärt, wie man handgemachte Ledersachen von Maschinengenähten unterscheidet und mir eben auch seine Kontaktdaten gegeben. Sowas passiert einem hier einfach mal, und das ist not really rare. You will be here often responded to, and slowly develops in me a sense of who and who wants coal just talk. If you look at as a bit used to it, makes it really fun ...

I then also in my project "worked", that was about 14 hours at which bit and I played with the children and watched the ins bedtime. It is an orphanage for street children for whom, when they're there, "solutions" are sought, these are their real families, host families or the elderly, a training course or a job, so she's home actually left after half a year should be able to. The kids are mostly 5-16, and most were there because not break. The 6 but I've met were really cool, quite small and everyone wanted to go all the time on my hands! That was really excellent and they accepted me quickly, I think.
The staff there that I've met are pretty nice, only one I can not yet assess Sun But time will tell, I am very confident that this will be da ne really great time.

I have already made a couple of hours really fun and I guess that goes on. I also know that arrive simultaneously with me 2 or 3 French intern, that I will work also 9 months together. I find quite cool.
By I've spent the second night in Marrakech in my project, I unfortunately missed the opportunity in a very nice, cheap backpackers hotel with the others on the rooftop to sleep. But it was worth it!

so, this would again, I'm glad the way, always on news from home and wish you happy holidays, work, internships, or whatever it just does!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nordictrack Audiorider U300 Adapter Location

Larache - Tanger photos 1

Short A report on the weekend of the 5 guys to Larache and Tangier:

Larache, a small fishing and farming town of fruit is totally beautiful, NEN has super beach and markets, see photos. We have a German-Moroccan Couples met and 2 days at your usual. The have also introduced in Moroccan dining, we have fish and vegetables bought at the market and can make it in a restaurant. Was extremely tasty and a lot, and not real expensive. Jedet almost 10 €. Ensure the cleanliness standards are also different than in German restaurants, not that the kitchen would be bad, but it's good that everything that is, has moved through the heat ...

Then we went on Sunday morning with a grand taxi to Tangier, a very beautiful city, contrary to expectations. There we have the Hotel Continental on the terrace enjoying a Thé à la Menthe and to port and Medina seen (see photos). In the Cafe de France, we are just as Moroccans, sat for hours on the wall facing the street and have put people watching. In Tangier also true of other people are running around, some very generous girls, but that may be in the moment and English tourists.

Then we drove all night with a totally crowded train back to Casa and arrived at half past 5 in the morning. Our hotel was unfortunately "complete", even though we said that we come back. So we are hanging out on the street and one of us, the business is just around the corner would have been nearly attacked. Thank God we were there, but the two types have left again. We had of course NEN still very beautiful and terror have set pre Sheraton, which have since Securities. We have then seen how two police buses have half-heartedly chased some small crooks, but usually after 3:30 clock at night no more police on the road. For aesthetic reasons, we have the Conseilièrge be asked in the lobby because he did not want it demolished five guys in front of the hotel.

the early evening on Monday, I was then a pickpocket off my phone, but thank God it was so crowded on the street that I get it back. But these two incidents we have already shown that is not Casa Munich and you simply must watch. Maybe it was even quite instructive to mainly because nothing has happened. Nevertheless, of course, unpleasant. It should now be

ever been back, look at the photos and thinking of me!


Neutering A Boston Terrier

Dear All!

Here is a load photos of everything I've experienced so!

I feel good, have fun watching


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Install Front License Plate Bmw

First Newsletter - On est arrivé

Friday, August 1, 2008

My dear friends and relatives back home, dear Supporters and interested people!

Now it so much that sometimes I find myself the time to report to you. I'm in a very simple hotel room in my three on the bed and do something for all. We are, for all who are not quite in the picture, why I was in Casablanca, or Casa, as here, they all say, in a bad hotel am, 8 Eirene volunteers, all working about 13 months in different cities in Morocco be. I'm going to Marrakech and will work there in a day care center or something like that with other children, women or other socially disadvantaged groups rather. At the moment we are in and start at the Casa Monday on to do a language course because all of our French is not so bad, but not really good. The French course will last one week and then get another 3 weeks Arabic course, and Moroccan Arabic, which is probably from the classical Arabic that is written is different, relatively strong. And supposedly you learn it relatively quickly, at least in ordinary communication. We will see in'shallah, or something like that ...

In'shallah, meaning "God willing", is anyway a saying here in Morocco, but somehow everything goes, but it is somehow and just maybe heute, vielleicht auch morgen und vielleicht nicht so schnell. Unser Sprachtest für den Französischkurs zum Beispiel sollte eigentlich am Montag sein, war aber dann doch erst heute. Aber das sind so die Unterschiede, an die man sich eben gewöhnen muss. Bisher war das aber kein Problem, weil wir ziemlich viel Zeit hatten und wohl auch die ganze Zeit haben werden. Das einzige, was wir bisher zu tun hatten, waren zwei Projektbesuche hier in Casa, von denen der eine extrem cool war und Chris, derjenige, der dort arbeiten wird, freut sich schon total, weil die Leute dort echt wissen, was sie tun und das auch super vermittelt haben. Das andere Projekt ist sicher auch sehr gut, aber die waren irgendwie nicht so gut auf uns vorbereitet, haben einfach so bisschen was told and then went to eat with us. Very very Moroccan. In addition, we were yesterday in Rabat, the capital, at the German Embassy and have since introduced times. That was only partially useful, because the woman with whom we met was on vacation. But we have yet another woman taken, who is very interested in what we do and we like to help where they can.

Rabat also has a beautiful beach with waves tiptop, then just where we were and still have surfed. The beach and the sea was very very clean, quite the opposite to the beach at Mohammedia, a fishing village between Casa and Rabat, where we the day before waren.

Rabat hat außerdem eine schöne Medina und auch sonst einige Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wir haben z.B. das Mausoleum von Mohammed V und Hassan II angeschaut, die letzten beiden Könige vor dem jetzigen, Mohammed VI. Das sollte mal eine riesige Moschee werden, aber irgendwann haben sie aufgehört zu bauen, warum auch immer, es ist also jetzt ein Riesenplatz mit halbfertigen Säulen, auf dessen einer Seite ein Mordsturm steht, der das Minarett werden sollte und auf der anderen Seite das Mausoleum der beiden Könige. Das ist fertig, und die liegen da auch wirklich. Außerdem gibt es in Rabat eine alte Festung, bzw. ein Gefängnis, das auch sehr eindrucksvoll ist und natürlich the main palace of the king, we would like to visit. But he had unfortunately already closed. What I found glaring is that in the area around the palace, where nothing but high officials and ministers and so live, ordinary Moroccans are not allowed inside, tourists, foreigners but even so. This shows might have worked well as the differences in the population, and that the king, despite his relatively liberal nature and an elected parliament is the one that has the say in the state - politically, religiously and militarily. He is accepted in the population and is, as far as I can tell so far, even revered really. He is actually in every shop on the wall, and if the people on it responds actually heard nothing but positive. However, the contact with the people here has been in relatively narrow limits, also because of the language. But it is already so slow. In addition, many of us have said that the people of Casa quite different than all his other Moroccans, some say they are cute, some the opposite. I personally found the people and the atmosphere in Rabat sympathetic.

I'm a super nice there, most likely hand-made leather bag purchased, which is just super cool and practical and has also cost only 220 dirhams, or about 20 €. My Feilschkünste but must still developing, The seller wanted to have 230 at the beginning. But what is not, can still become. I'm looking forward in any event total of the bag!

Casa is an amazing city. The official population is 3 million, but the real figure is very high, we speak of up to 12 million people in the city and around it, in the Bidonvilles living so slums. It's incredibly dirty and noisy, people drive crazy car horns at every opportunity and there are very many beggars and people who sell you something. Regardless whether cigarettes, tissues, chewing gum or roasted almonds, all these little things you get on the road, and people also buy bei denen. Manche von denen sind Kinder, aber viele auch Frauen. Männer verkaufen meist Nüsse oder bieten sich als Schuhputzer an. Nachts sieht man schon einige Leute einfach in Hauseingängen oder an Ecken schlafen, oft Frauen mit Babys. Diese Armut ist extrem, vor allem in Relation zu den Reichen der Stadt. Es gibt teilweise dickste Autos, und bei uns um die Ecke ist eine Art Disco, wo scheinbar der Geldadel und die Ausländer hingehen, wo ein Bier 60 Dirham, ca. 6 €, kostet. Dafür kann man in einem normalen Straßenimbiss zu zweit sehr gut essen. In dieser „Nobeldisco“ sieht man dann auch sehr leicht bekleidete Mädchen, von denen keiner weiß, ob es Prostituierte sind oder die Töchter reicher Marokkaner, to take it with alcohol prohibition and the cover of her charms is not too accurate. And I guess that what we have seen there by chance is just the tip of the iceberg.

take it with the alcohol ban at least some Moroccans also not quite sure we were twice before drinking in a pub where all the beer, and we were the only non-Moroccans. Let's see how the image developed since.

There are of course also Morocco, which one imagines, where the men sit in cafes in Thé à la menthe drink, who Moroccans Djellabahs, these capes, funny pointed shoes, Beard und so einen runden Hut (Fes?), verschleierte Frauen, schreiende Händler und bettelnde Kinder. Andererseits gibt es Leute, die rumlaufen wie bei uns, im Anzug oder Shorts, und einmal haben wir im Café sogar eine rauchende alte Frau getroffen. Das scheint aber wirklich eine Seltenheit zu sein, denn Sie wurde fast noch mehr angestarrt als wir. Fast alle Leute sind total nett, wenn du nach dem Weg fragst, gehen sie meistens mit und zeigen dir wo es ist, heute hat uns eine Frau ungefähr 20 Minuten beim Gaskocher kaufen geholfen, hat geholfen ihn zusammenzubauen und alles. Nur weil wir Sie gefragt haben wo die Medina sei und ob es da Gaskocher zu kaufen gäbe. Das war echt irre. Das einzige, was etwas nervt, sind Leute die den reichen Touristen sehen and want to pull us. Taxis here are actually really cheap for example, even for this country, but if the driver notices that you have no idea of the city, he likes even a round or two with you. The It represents only a few cents, but you just feel fucked. Well, I'll develop a feel for it and defend myself, I hope.

order yet to meet a cliche: today it got me digestive moderate, as the first. But it's already over again. And I have no idea of what I have eaten nothing more than everyone else. No matter what does not kill you, makes a stronger and I think You simply have to get used to the other diet and the other bacteria here.

So my friends, that should suffice for now, but sure I've forgotten something important, but I've just been through too much in this short time. When I'm writing the next time we'll see, maybe I write even smaller things in my blog:

Saalam, Niko

supplement a day later, Saturday:

digestive wise, I'm at least back fit, but now it has caught Felix and Koko. I guess there, each time through.

Today I was in with Chris Hamam, which was totally cool, and it is also saubillig. 10 Dirham, so not even one euro for it but then you have to scrub yourself well and stuff. If one wants to do that, it still costs something. But even if you make it yourself, it's crazy nice, some of you know the drill ...

Ansonsten haben wir heute eigentlich nix gemacht.

Mir ist aufgefallen, dass man sich sehr schnell an Unpässlichkeiten gewöhnen kann. Unsere Toilette z.B. ist eigentlich nie wirklich sauber, aber man lebt damit. Und Ruhe gibt es in Casablanca auch nicht, ich bin heute Nacht um 4 oder so mal aufgewacht und es war immer noch sehr laut. Natürlich leiser als tagsüber, aber selbst die wenigen Mopeds und Autos, die noch fahren, hupen bei jeder Gelegenheit und machen auch beim Fahren einen höllischen Krach. Aber trotzdem, und trotz der schlechten Betten kann man hier ziemlich gut schlafen.

This is really rich now again, I wish you all the best.

Your Niko

PS. I'll have a look, where and how can I upload most a few photos. I'm writing again.