Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ringworm On Stomach Dime Size

blower door test-

Da bei uns machen Sachen doppelt gemacht wurden, hatten wir sogar auch zwei Blower-Door-Tests ;-) Der Erste war am 25.08.2006. Dazu auch folgendes Photo.

Bei dem sehr ernüchternden Ergebnis musste man zweifeln, ob das Haus einem schweizer Käse gleicht, oder ob der Junge Mann vielleicht noch etwas hätte über sollen ... Wir mit einem Wert von etwas über 1.5, we have not met the requirements and the "assistant to the assistant to the auditor" has shown a poor performance.

For one, he did not know which panels were part of the tester and on the other he has missed a few easy Baulöcher. These include, for example, the sewage pipe in the kitchen, which has yet to be so connected. That's pretty disgusting, if you look at a negative pressure in the house the air from the manure sewer in the house sucks :-((( Or even that one notices only the dismantling of the system that tapes are released from the isolation and red cloth in the doorway was not right.

The second test was on 31.08.2006. We quickly realized the difference between the "assistant" to the expert (It was a very different company then the way). This time the fan in a window frame and tensioned with a value of 1.2 we have of course passed.

Since the second test was not in the doorway, was the first time the problem of poorly sealed door clear. This was spoiled and we felt a strong draft.

The explanation is as follows:
We wanted to have a three-piece door and, according to the manufacturer here A static profile in the works. This profile is Viebrock most sweeping away for now. Whether it is only for optical reasons or cost reasons, we can sometimes hang in the air. This profile has been included as Angel Tree, and without contradiction added later. The door closes now much better, is softer to the castle and does not wiggle more that way.


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