Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tea Tree Oil In Treating Bv

Kitchen assembly

And finally, about 1 month after collection is our new kitchen. The whole pizza-taxi orders to an end!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Brent Corrigan & Brent Everett Online


Oh yes, to get the house faster dry, we have at the beginning August, two Bautrockner borrowed. This whole campaign was unfortunately also very expensive, because until now EUR 870, - to rent, EUR 42, - An-/Abholung and an estimated EUR 500, - for power went on it.

We could move in earlier corresponding to the middle of September and lay the parquet flooring in the living room.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Gold Fish Cellular Respiration Lab


Am 04.09. 05.09.2006 and painters were in our house. This topic is not so pleasing as the work executed grottenschlecht. We were so brave and have provided this service in pure and the award went for EUR 770, - for gross Osterholz-Scharmbeck in Bremen. Admittedly, the extremely cheap for the papering and painting of all rooms in a Including new arrivals and departures. Part of the colors we have made and the wood-chip and a little white color is concerned, the painter squad. The bottom line is it took us about EUR 1500, - cost. Cheap price, but also cheap to run. Even today we find glue stains on the carpet, on the radiators, baseboards, etc.

But if I want it to be positive: in many corners of the wallpaper torn, because the wall is still and the cats have also ensured that we have 6 months after repair catchment sowiso must. The pigs have other work done for cheap money and we take care of the details below.

Hier ein paar Inspirationen, die zeigen, dass Katzen KEINEN Respekt vor neuen Tapeten haben ...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Before And After Positions Of A Brazilian Wax


Und hier nun ein paar Impressionen zur Fertigstellung. Dieser Tag war etwas sehr turbulent, da heute der zweite Blower-Door-Test anstand, die Montage der franz. Balkone, das Geländer im Keller und natürlich die Endabnahme.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ringworm On Stomach Dime Size

blower door test-

Da bei uns machen Sachen doppelt gemacht wurden, hatten wir sogar auch zwei Blower-Door-Tests ;-) Der Erste war am 25.08.2006. Dazu auch folgendes Photo.

Bei dem sehr ernüchternden Ergebnis musste man zweifeln, ob das Haus einem schweizer Käse gleicht, oder ob der Junge Mann vielleicht noch etwas hätte über sollen ... Wir mit einem Wert von etwas über 1.5, we have not met the requirements and the "assistant to the assistant to the auditor" has shown a poor performance.

For one, he did not know which panels were part of the tester and on the other he has missed a few easy Baulöcher. These include, for example, the sewage pipe in the kitchen, which has yet to be so connected. That's pretty disgusting, if you look at a negative pressure in the house the air from the manure sewer in the house sucks :-((( Or even that one notices only the dismantling of the system that tapes are released from the isolation and red cloth in the doorway was not right.

The second test was on 31.08.2006. We quickly realized the difference between the "assistant" to the expert (It was a very different company then the way). This time the fan in a window frame and tensioned with a value of 1.2 we have of course passed.

Since the second test was not in the doorway, was the first time the problem of poorly sealed door clear. This was spoiled and we felt a strong draft.

The explanation is as follows:
We wanted to have a three-piece door and, according to the manufacturer here A static profile in the works. This profile is Viebrock most sweeping away for now. Whether it is only for optical reasons or cost reasons, we can sometimes hang in the air. This profile has been included as Angel Tree, and without contradiction added later. The door closes now much better, is softer to the castle and does not wiggle more that way.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Canada Driver License Template

tile tile work done

For today it is not much to report. Around noon, the tiler finished and cleared away their stuff. Tiles of each type (5 different) we have ever received a replacement package. I could still set a few pictures of grouted tiles, but that would be really boring ;-)

Thus we are back on schedule and have even been a rest day - morning!

Oh yes, HWR guess someone was there, who prepared the Assembly for the last window seat. It was somewhat filled and laid a foil / bonded. Supposedly did not fit the first window sill. Well, as I'm concerned!

Monday it is "fit railing" continues with "filler work" and as well as a construction manager appointment on Tuesday. According to the city do the work well sometimes open in the week, but nothing precise we do not know :-(

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Citolspram And Overdose

... So I like the tiles. While we have chosen the classic among the Viebrock tiles, but if we look at it that way, we also know why they are so popular!

Yesterday morning there were still some details to clarify, with respect to the level before the bathtub to look like the shelves, edges, etc. All just little things, but I'm glad we 2-3 times day can stop by to clarify all these little things. So you can at least change something spontaneously. Spontaneously on site but some things look different than anyone imagined in the mind's eye during the sampling added.

I think it's great that this is not to say: "Do not go, we can not, must not". Until now, all spontaneous special requests have been implemented directly on the site (on the small official channels).

And yesterday was once again time construction manager. Our normal supervisor is also back from vacation ... and we also added the same again. Two times in a row, even if it was only last week the agency.

After three days are now ready to drill holes and have the following Leave. These pictures speak for themselves. The little black heap on the wall are soil samples were collected from each new tube.

For our evening short visit (about against 18-18:30 Clock), the tile is almost done. The first walls were grouted and we looked forward to the workday. Thursday nor the rest of the corners and then it's back home for the weekend. For this evening, the two guys already got the sausage out and we wanted to barbecue in the garden.

The joy was quite fast over when Sven asked when would they make the HWR. The eyes were getting bigger and they asked us where the should be for. After brief discussion, whether it would be a utility room or closet, it was clear that they had forgotten this space completely. The blueprint of this room was been declared as a storeroom, but clearly it should be tiled. The faces were longer and longer, the sausages marched into the distance and our utility room, which was to be abused for this moment as work and storage space for the tiler had again emptied, cleaned, swept and be roughened. With a very bad conscience because we have them messed up the closing time (which looked pretty hungry from ...) then we have very quickly made from the dust:-D

Monday, July 31, 2006

How Do You Make Home Made Boxing Gloves?


Today, the screed should be finished. On the upper floor you can already walk around and inspect the work. It is striking that the ceiling is coming closer. At first I wondered what the rooms are, but that can thus deceive, without screed ;-)

Otherwise, I can tell from the house is not much, since we only up to the front door came. Then it said "DO NOT ENTER!

But it was exciting to find the house Sun As described in several building diaries, we now also have a small garden pond with running water. In addition, the sinister machine is the borehole. Two days are scheduled to make two bore holes, 60m. The first three tubes, I have watched. Then it went on only at a snail's pace. Our soil seems well to be very, very hard.

evening they had managed 40 yards and left an ugly, muddy moonscape.

At about about 18:30 clock was suddenly moving in the house. The tilers have done your stuff into the house and have lost the first plates in the bathroom. Since the ground is not allowed to enter, we had to balance on a balance beam to the first step. I do not think the guys have even made the evening very much, but at least they have a late hour schonmal everything ready for the next day.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Is Donna Lacroix Married

pipes on the floor and it is dirty again!

As if the cleaners have not already made enough mess. Now is also the floor! It was a great Air in the house. The craftsmen were soaking wet with sweat. No wonder, with the weather and the whole floor mud on the floor.

On Friday, all edges in the ground floor and basement and covered the insulation (foil and styrofoam plates) installed. Evening was the floor finished and a large basement room was filled.

Furthermore, we have now made up our construction manager appointment because it has put us on Wednesday. "Disagreements with the scheduling. They mentioned a few things, but here are not worth mentioning. A couple of stupid questions were answered by us and by and large it is currently relatively good. I'm curious if the arrangement works with the public utilities for the house connections, and with the earthworks for the water supply (rain gutters, tank etc). Our construction manager (agent) has repeatedly promised to take care of it ...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Which One Is Better?

install heating and shower / tub

On Wednesday and Thursday were the heating elements and structure of the shower and bath on the program. You remember a little, that we are about 1-2 days late, but we already get in again.

cross through the whole house now go forward and backward runs. Neat isolated and sorted by each other. I have many pictures on security made so that we know later, what's what. You never know where we might want to drill in the ground again:-D

sees the construction of cooling heating of very complex with a total of five pipes and a power supply. After all the hot days in the last few weeks, we are already into the animal on it. Just a pity that we will probably use until next summer right. was

Great excitement then have the same morning as the radiator in the kitchen too big and mounted in the wrong place was. In principle, this would have been true, but we've got our own ideas! The boys looked not very happy at the fact but to have two phone calls and our defenses, we have found a compromise. It must be said now of course to a go "only" the bare heater to the wall without the pipes on the floor! Now they take the big / thick radiators again, lay the pipes equal to the new and correct location and colleagues then fit a thinner and wider at the "fine montage". We did not want to be walked at the first step into the kitchen just opposite a radiator. Now he is under the hatch and is well hidden.

In the basement is Meanwhile, the air conditioning on the wall and you just have the soil sensor and heating pipes are connected.

PS: The images from the bathroom to speak for themselves: