Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Anorexia - How Long Before Your First Treatment

Session 22

And once again we have gathered to be created by using alcohol and ink in the comfort of new artwork. This mal von der Partie waren die Anne, die Bärbel, der Armin , der Bob und die vollzeit Zecher und gelegenheits Zeichner Kai und Jesus Chris. 

Also this time there is a great comic poor documentation of Armin

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Always Think I Have Throat Cancer

TriTeam successful in swimming national championships

Die Masters (AK 20 und älter) aus Baden-Württemberg trafen sich am Wochenende in Lörrach, um über die "Langen Strecken" ihre Meister zu ermitteln. Mit dabei waren Kirsten Holzhüter, Folke Kaben und Arnd Brandenburg aus der Schwimmabteilung des TriTeam Hochrhein.
Die drei holten bei jedem ihrer Starts Edelmetall. Kirsten wurde BW-Meisterin über 400 m Lagen (6:16 min) und 200 m Brust (3:17), Folke holte über 400 m Kraul Bronze mit neuem Vereinsrekord (4:54,99) und Arnd holte Silber über 400 m Lagen (5:30) und gewann die 200 m Brust (2:51).

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Imtoo Get Licence Cod


Der Radtreff fällt heute aus.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Long Grow Toenail

Consistent appearance of the Upper Rhine TriTeam

Last weekend it was time for the long-lost dress of the common association Triteam was officially launched. Before the eyes of main sponsor Martin Troendle, from car rental Tröndle in Schopfheim, carried the triathlon for the first time together their bike clothes, they are supposed to show in the future in countless training rides, but even at award ceremonies at various sporting competitions as members of the Triteam High Rhine. The board of TriTeam expects for its members, sponsors of this club and grants financed sportswear a clearer identification with the club and improved Visibility. "... As of this date should be recognizable to anyone who is from the Upper Rhine TriTeam and who is not," said the 2.Vorsitzende of TriTeam Folke Kaben and thanks for the support of sponsors. Even Martin Troendle, even more ambitious triathlete, was pleased with quality and design and will next year turn in the green-white-black dress to be seen of Triteam. Additional sponsors for this association could project the follow-me bikes are donated's Sport Shop in Grenzach in Lörrach and Christian. Too bad, is the club members agreed that for the first time the cold season is upon us and the new clothes well Once the cabinet will disappear.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blinds Face Up Or Down

Session 21

Not all things with a "21" at the end must necessarily involve strife and discord. We all agree that the 21 ZUZ a very very good Zuz was. Very quietly in a small revolution took place. In addition to the Alex, who is the first time with it and our old friend, the Armin , we should also welcome Anne with us. Thus, from our cozy round of men almost a real art happening. It remains to see if from now will have the constant stomach feeding an impact on the frequency obscenities. What remains unchanged is the "sign and mines." No sooner were the first drinks emptied, Armin had an idea ...

Again, very very big screen by Armin. You'd think the last comic on the signing drinkers would not beat - but far from it. Also this time it creates the mood of the 21 Armin Zuzes to capture. You'd think he would have been on site there.

The White House Microwave

Session 20

This time we celebrate even a small anniversary. Fewer than twenty Zuzee we have already denied and we do not even think about quitting. As long as we are able to hold a pen and drink, there will be more Zuzee. The Support of the legendary Robert Crumb, Tübingen - Armin is this happy and creative event a full success.

From Armin's pen (or rather, pen) comes this pleasant comic . A sensitive documentary of a young art scene in the province city of Friedrichshafen. In gentle tones and stunning images, he describes the balancing act between drawing " und Zechen“ und Saufen und Schmieren.