Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Clip Shaved Female Genitals

Niko in Marrakech - the Third

My dear friends and relatives, my supporters and interested people!

I ask at the beginning of my third newsletter once to apologize for the delay with which he arrives! I hope it has been but no one believed me completely forgotten or lost, I feel that is well here! At the beginning of something else: As you noted, I would like the "you" keep out of the last newsletter and I hope you are all agreed. Since the last newsletter here a few did, and after it already
a while ago, I wrote that, I hope I'm still in a position to understand the most important things here and explain interesting:

In the work I am now relative strength of the team, if there is to do something, is also thought that I can do that. The post of Administrative Coordinatrice that I have represented since the beginning of January until about a month ago, more or less stuck in me, but that was not me wrong. I still had the responsibility for the project of vocational training for women and their children out of the crib was made office stuff and wrote the annual report of 2008. That was fun because it gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself a bit in InDesign, a professional program for publications. I think he is not bad now and send you also, unfortunately, he's just in French. But enjoys your time then what I did during a remarkable time here. This is also a big thank you to Christy, who has given me the logo of Al Karam

Working with children has stopped by my office work somehow pretty. I also found that although the children I like very much and I have to most, a very good relationship, to make my enthusiasm, proper workshop with you but within limits. I still like to spend time with them and they are also looking forward whenever they see me and welcome me quite profusely, but we prefer to fool around, and the more I look forward to the summer camp in July, because for once there are no obligations and duties to be fulfilled by the children. This is also, I'm kinda busy always, there are just too many little things to do, so really there is no necessity to look for me on other tasks.

At this point I would also like to have a very big thank you to Doris, who has collected donations for Al Karam your commitment of € 1,300 and sent to me. The first half of the non-teaching portable sanitation facilities here were renovated to again functioning showers and toilets are available. I send for my stay with a statement about Romania and photos of the result!

On 11 June we have a show organized on the occasion of International Day against Child Labour, with contributions from Al Karam, partner organizations and professionals. I helped with organizational matters, find the perfect venue to recruit beverage and food donations and design the invitation. Also had Marie, now my former roommate and I to make the idea of a short film about the work and exploitation of girls in Morocco and it both in our to show performance and at the festivities in Geneva at the headquarters of the IPEC. IPEC, a key partner Al Karim, is a program of the BIT, the "Bureau International du Travail," which in turn is a division of the United Nations. After we had started but unfortunately quite time running out, and have lost three more weeks because we have a film school here only a supply and then but met with rejection, we could not realize the movie, unfortunately, time. However, we are still going to make with several potential partners, a film about the problem. It is mainly known as "petites bonnes", small girls who are forced to little or no money on more or less wealthy people to work as a housekeeper, are of no chance of education and recreation and in many cases in addition to the economic exploitation often also physical, mental and sexual abuse. The IPEC is ready to support our film project and the result, if it is good enough to raise awareness against child labor use in different countries. After a längerwieriges project but it will probably be started by me and by my successor with the team here completed. Thank you very much for the willingness for them!

In the period is much more going on than just that! In mid-February I am moved, in a chic apartment with two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom (!!!). At first, I was there alone, until March Marie arrived, an intern at Al Karam for three months. We got well right away and really had a cool time together, it's just nice to talk to someone about this to what we experienced such. In addition to cook this way
sometimes and the general order in the apartment, the presence of someone else is also beneficial. I also had a lot of visits from close friends and family, these weeks were actually the most beautiful picture of the final performance I've ever experienced here. I am very grateful that so many people have come and are yet to come, I think this is an important basis for discussion about what I've seen talk about, when I'm home again. I think if you were here, one can imagine just about everything better and I know what I'll talk like that. Moreover
it was great, all again, even if I have so often been on holiday and work simultaneously, and all goes a bit on sleep Account. But what the heck!

The second part of our interim seminar in early March was fairly successful, I believe and hope that some project partners, who until then difficulties with the volunteers and deren adäquaten Einsatz hatten, ein bisschen gezeigt hat, warum wir das machen und wozu das ganze gut sein soll. Mir persönlich hat es nicht wahnsinnig viel gebracht, aber meine
Situation war ja auch vorher schon nicht schlecht und außerdem hatte ich einfach ein paar Erwartungen aufgegeben. Davon abgesehen war das Seminar einfach viel zu spät, es hätte so etwas geben müssen, BEVOR Freiwillige in Projekte geschickt werden, um den Versuchskanincheneffekt zu vermeiden. Ich hoffe, dass EIRENE unserer Kritik und vor allem unseren Verbesserungsvorschlägen offen gegenübersteht und sie auch in die Tat umsetzt, denn viele der Probleme, die wir, vor allem zu Anfang, hatten, können durch bessere Betreuung und Organisation im Vorfeld vermieden werden! Mir ist auch klar, dass am Anfang eines Freiwilligenprogramms in einem neuen Land vieles nicht so läuft, wie man es erwartet, aber eine Generation später sollten dann schon deutliche Fortschritte zu sehen sein! Ich bin gespannt auf die Ergebnisse, werde sie mit Interesse verfolgen und an Euch, liebe Leser, weitergeben!

Seit meinem letzten Rundbrief habe ich das Land weiter kennen gelernt, ich war zweimal in der Wüste, was unglaublich schön war, wie übrigens auch der Weg dorthin, Oasen sind einfach etwas irres! Außerdem habe ich Bekanntschaft mit der Schwergängigkeit der marokkanischen Behörden gemacht, als ich nach Ceuta ausreisen wollte und das nicht was because I had been given to the police the wrong paper to fill out. But now it should really be regulated, this will emerge tomorrow with my departure to Romania, where I will visit other EIRENIS that I know of course leave. Incha'allah!
Evening discussion with other guests of the meeting house on several occasions I have also learned things about the society back here and how they function. Some colleagues, for example, were incredibly keen to once spend an evening with us in the apartment and make a little party, with (oho!!) Alcohol. They had very bright eyes, every time when we were talking about and have a bit appear like small children, do something forbidden, or rather, how young people who smoke or drink secretly
. Accordingly, it was then also the result, there was a very lustigenund beautiful evening like this, and one that is not going as really to Marie's and my taste ... I have in any case derived from the fact that alcohol prohibition
or general prohibitions and the hush of things and facts that do not better but worse. Sure will, where I come from we do not necessarily think that the head of the photos from last night party gets to see, but somehow this is linked with a kind of plotting and lots of meaningful glances, no outsider may ever learn about it, but we who were there are so superior as omniscient and the other, the annoying part of it somehow. After a few days, the sets but then God can go Thanks again, and the normal everyday life.
On the whole I feel pretty comfortable here now, when I know what I can do and how and where to say and avoid the rest, and people are generally very nice. However, there are simple yet profound cultural differences, which one must be aware and to accept and deal with it you have to learn. But among other things, I'm here! I have also done good and deep relationships and friendships, z.B. mit einem unglaublich netten Herren aus der Nachbarschaft, Moulay Ahmed, der lange Zeit in der Schweiz gelebt hat und 5 Sprachen, darunter Deutsch, fließend spricht. Ich sehe ihn fast jeden Tag und er hilft mir,
wo er nur kann. Außerdem können wir uns über viele Dinge unterhalten, durch seine lange Zeit in Europa kann er meinen Blick auf die Dinge hier sehr gut nachvollziehen. Und er hat einen Snack! Ich bin wirklich froh, dass ich ihn kennen gelernt habe!

Meine Sprachkenntnisse haben sich in letzter Zeit verbessert, mein Französisch ist, auch dank Marie, recht gut geworden, und ich warte noch auf die Ergebnisse eines DALF C1 Tests, wem das was sagt. Mein Arabisch entwickelt , and I will see if I still like this as learning a lot, because I find it cool. It is certainly amazing how quickly time has passed, I have no idea where they went. I stay another three months, and in principle I have already scheduled. So I am still on my trip to Romania,
the camps of Al Karam at sea, the Ramadan, the heat, visit a new roommate, results of my speech tests, time with the kids, watching the work on the street and my Homecoming! So you see, well I'm booked!

At this point, once again our thanks to all my supporters and supporters,
I've become here very aware of how important it is to have people behind you, especially financially and morally! I think of you, even if I sign not so often, I ask the pardon. I also hope this letter is understandable and is a bit
shows what I am doing here so and how I feel!

I ask anyway, as always, answers, praise or scathing criticism, reports what is currently going on with you and everything you want to send me missing! And then it's not long before we meet again!

soon, Salam ou Alaykoum