Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scott Kay Jewelry At Helzberg

long, long time ago ...

... but it's time a lot to report! The trend is clearly positive, although most of the things yet Preparing to serve or served daily. Slowly does it - hammdulilah - an end. I have after a long search and very little expenditure on brokerage and deposit finally found a room that is really too expensive, but at least my own and I thus provides a much needed rest. Before, I had about 3 weeks without sending difference between work and play in the organization, where I always at least 4 others in the room had "lived". It also has a good reason that I have found nothing cheaper: there is nothing! The house prices in Marrakech are really not half bad. It's not as if I had not tried, but other than a hole for close to 70 6 m² € a month my current room was the only one that was somehow in question. It is spectacular, fits containing a room without a shower and kitchen, after all, but there is a Sitzklo, a sink, faucet, meanwhile, both a bottle and a cooking pot, two stained-glass windows and a door with a new lock. In principle, therefore, so what we need desperately to life. Technically means am now reasonably well equipped, as nice as I was the watchman of the organization, Zine El-Abidin, a sort of flea market accompanied, where I bought more or less favorable to the most necessary. He also lent me a carpet, a gas stove and a small teapot, and my boss I get a mattress borrowed. On Sunday, would I still pot, pan and coffee can I finally bought myself what to cook, there was like me, how could it be otherwise, spaghetti with - after all homemade - tomato sauce, and afterwards Machinetta coffee! Yummy!

The room is so for a half hour walk from my workplace, so is it, until I looked through the bus and taxi lines first bit of breakfast and evening sports, it does quite well. In fact, I run pretty much at the moment, if I'm not exactly go with any new purchases, because it learns the city just know best. However, I had to explore since I moved not too much time to anything because I had to do exceptionally the last week quite hard work. The organization has made namely in Marjane, a giant supermarket, a collection of products and money, that is, we were a day then 6 hours there in the entrance, have distributed flyers, tells the people who we are and what we do and they asked to buy something for the kids or to give money. In the beginning it was in French not easy, but you get used to much and it was actually a time when even less diverse, yet useful purpose and is not also my French is bad done. It was quite long, and so I have the rest of the day mostly at me and / or Nelly and Cecilia spent on the sofa. How do my tasks it faces are developed in the near future, I can not say yet, but I've now decided to bring only my personal stuff in order to get first line in my residence and I then to think about how I better can work. This is so far no problem, as it also does not mind if I sit around all day, surfing the Internet and kill on command any little thing. But must in the coming weeks and will change, because this form of work or not work in the long run is very unsatisfactory at the moment habe ich aber, wie gesagt, noch anderes zu regeln. Außerdem bekomme ich nach wie vor nur das mit, was extra für mich gesagt wird, sodass ich auch nicht einfach in Gespräche einhaken kann und sagen: „Das kann ich doch machen!“ Aber ich lerne jeden Tag ein paar Wörter Arabisch und habe mir außerdem jetzt einen Sprachkurs für den Computer besorgt, mit dem ich ein bisschen System in mein Lernen bringen kann und das hoffentlich auch durchhalte.

Freunde habe ich leider immer noch nicht wirklich, vor allem kaum Marokkaner. Ich mache im Moment recht viel mit Nelly und Cécilia, den beiden Französinnen, die zwar recht nett sind, auf Dauer aber nur mittelmäßig spannend und außerdem not very readily adaptable to the country. But I have learned in my neighborhood know someone in my age, System of a Down and listen to seems to be nice, he lent me the same times 3 Gnawa CDs, but he was always with his family when I had time for Ramadan. Yesterday I met him again and we will make the next few days something.

Friday night was a great celebration in the organization, because on 27 Day of the Ramadan fast, the children try out one day. Evening will be celebrated in style, in our case were employees of the organization, the families who are cared for and support students of Economics and Business Administration somehow great here, so the social projects. Es gab viel zu Essen und hinterher wurde getanzt, gesungen und zum Spaß geheiratet. Die Kinder haben Sketche und Tänze aufgeführt und es war wirklich recht amüsant. Was lustig ist hier, ist dass alle voll auf Tektonik abfahren. Vom kleinen 10-jährigen schwerhörigen Jungen bis zur Betreuerin Ende 30 finden das alle super und tanzen es, zum Teil auch echt recht gut. Das andere, was alle hier toll finden, ist heiraten, alle reden dauernd davon und fragen dich, ob du sie heiraten willst. Auf dem Fest wurde eben auch „geheiratet“ und ich wurde mit Cécilia zwangsverheiratet, aber eigentlich war es ganz lustig. Wir wurden traditionelle Gewänder gesteckt und mussten uns mit Datteln und Milch füttern und alle fanden es super.

Over the weekend I was watching it with Nelly, Cecilia and a Ford Fiesta in Ouzoud, a small village 200 km from Marrakech to 110 meters high waterfalls, bathroom included in the rather cold pools. That was quite beautiful, the scenery is there and on the way to some very impressive and we have to sleep on a terrace overlooking a field wall that was waking up in the blazing sun. We've heard all night the falls and when I am alone again'm out, I was lucky that I have run for a few typical local monkeys on the way and I could take pictures. Idyll, then, mainly because not many tourists because waren. Das Tal scheint ein ziemlicher Kiffertreff zu sein, die Leute, die nichts geraucht haben, haben das fast alle mit dem Ramadan begründet. Dementsprechend entspannt war die Atmosphäre, und abends haben wir einen netten Typen aus Oklahoma getroffen und uns mit ihm und dem Betreiber der Übernachtungsstätte bei Trommelmusik unterhalten und UNO gespielt. Insgesamt also zwei schöne und abwechslungsreiche Tage ohne Stadtlärm, und außerdem hat mal wieder Autofahren auch Spaß gemacht.

Das Wochenende vorher war ich in Casablanca, Chris’ Geburtstag feiern. Das war auch cool, vor allem, um die anderen mal wieder zu sehen und sich auszutauschen. Man sah ganz deutlich, dass das Ankommen unterschiedlich schnell geht und ich habe unter den Anwesenden leider am schlechtesten abgeschnitten, allerdings waren nicht alle da. Außerdem habe ich seitdem Fortschritte gemacht.

Gestern war der Ramadan zu Ende, also das Fest Fitr, und die Straßen leben auch tagsüber wieder. Ich kann nur hoffen, dass sich das auch positiv auf meine Arbeit auswirkt. Nelly, Cécilia und ich waren von einem Kollegen eingeladen, mit seiner Familie zu feiern, aber er hat leider vergessen, uns zu sagen, dass das Fest morgens ist, und so war er und wir ein bisschen enttäuscht, als wir uns am Nachmittag gesehen haben. Das scheint hier wirklich ein wenig wie Weihnachten zu sein, die meisten Geschäfte haben zu und es gibt echt Plätzchen. For the initiated amongst you, our colleague has brought us, among other things coconut macaroons! And they were really saulecker!

All in all, it is with me constantly improving, I would say I'm feeling quite amazing in my room well and I am sure that it is now quite fast uphill. The only thing that is really annoying still is that I have no real problem. Who wants to contact me is warmly invited to do some of you have all my e-mail. Otherwise, I am of course a good old post that I can receive in the organization:

Nicholas Schreiter

Association AL KARAM

Cité Mohammadia Unité 4 N ° 391

Daoudiate - Marrakech


Or calls and SMS on my mobile phone Moroccan:

00212-44 84 28 24

Finally, a link to new photos: php? pid = 1929576 & l = & id = 565 827 068 d3f36

Goodbye, I wish you in everything you do as much success and as always I'm on answers and comments!

Bslama from Marrakech, Niko