Thursday, September 4, 2008

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been definitively Marrakech Marrakech

So, here we go again! Has indeed taken a long genaug!

I arrived in Marrakech, the pearl of the Orient, the red city, and so on! And the city is out! But not only. But good times now in order:

I arrived here, I slept the first night in the hostel on Monday and then I went into the organization. There I first got the two interns franzoeischen met, Cecilia and Nelly to stay here, the 4 month. They are really nice, but we had not been doing too much with each other because we are almost always classified separately to work. They also have an apartment and I do not! Unfair! The

namely my main problem at the moment. I "live" in the Assotiation, which means that I am in a room with 5 other sleep and generally have no room for me. And really crazy for me does also not interested, at least so far. So people are already nice, but Ramadan is just not too much, I have the impression. I will annoy them all the next days a bit, so I quickly find something where I for at least one room mich habe.

Das andere grosse Problem ist die Sprache, weil alle untereinander natuerlich Arabisch reden, und nur wenn sie explizit mit mir sprechen, ins Franzoesische wechseln. Und die Kinder koennen, wenn ueberhaupt, ein paar Brocken. Also heisst es fuer mich: lernen, lernen, lernen!!!

Aber ansonsten sehe ich durchaus Potential dass das Jahr hier ein gutes wird, denn die meisten Marokkaner sind schon sehr nette Leute, und sobald ich hier ein paar Freunde oder zumindest gute Bekannte gefunden habe, wird das schon alles. Im Moment ist das Problem eben einfach, dass ich NICHTS machen kann, ohne dass mir jemand dabei zuschaut!

Die eigentliche Chefin, Karima, ist eine absolute Powerfrau, aber war bisher only once. Because it has the same times given row with a young man who has lived in the home earlier time and somehow always comes back, because he can eat there for free and apparently asleep. It then has first fired, I do not know if he comes back. The woman knows what she wants and in any event if nothing else does for home, I will sometimes turn to them ...

The work looks at the moment so I made that, depending on what I do with the kids or play with one of the tutors on the road and I'm irdnwas feared. So for example, we visited two families who have children taken, and today we were in the hospital, to find the birth certificate of a child of a single mother that she wants to release for adoption. So sometimes not nice work, but I understand just yet nothing! This is really a problem because I can always tell me afterwards what it needs to left.

This is the main problem of city poverty. For the child who will be up for adoption, need to be able to come into a home, read the birth certificate, but 150dh, that costs about 15 €, that the mother had not. So you see, Marrakech is a great city, but behind the scenes, it often looks a bit different. Sure there are rich people, but there are also many extremely poor.

Oh, and I forgot to say that I have to do often simply nothing, today was my only real task of an educator to accompany the hospital. Well, I still have a little play with the children, but is not the real fulfillment. And if you even saves the day, nothing can really do then is one that sometimes even the nerves.

ensures But do not for me, thinking still to me, does well, I'll be in touch again,
